Friday, September 20, 2024
Home » Keep_Going


by Gods_Servant

Two Paths Same Destination

Here we have two paths that lead through a series of twists and turns but both paths bring you to the same destination. One path isn’t better then the other, they both have there share of trial and tribulations and they both take endurance and strength to reach the end. The path you are meant to follow will call out to you, this will not be a mystery or a guessing game you will know 100 percent without doubt which one to travel. 

Those meant for path 2

Can you feel it yet? Your life has improved so much! You feel full with Jesus, love, peace and joy surround you! The lord has blessed your personal life exceedingly. Although you have all these blessings your current profession isn’t bringing the same fulfillment. This feeling grows and you don’t understand why, you once loved your profession. The emptiness that your experiencing in your work life grows and becomes louder and louder. You are being called by god to do something much greater with your life, he is letting you know. God has a plan for all of his children, some plans involve working for him and some plans involve continuing in your current profession, but both require that we help, love and care for others. 

The Calling God Put On Your Life.

I don’t know exactaly what calling our gracious and loving Lord has put on your life, that is going to be something you must work out in prayer. It most likely is not going to be a big mystery, when God calls you for something he is going to let you know when your ready to receive it. But you are going to have to be diligent in seeking him and discovering your Job together. I can give you some advice on tell signs. How does it feel when you give, teach, help, listen, does your heart bleed for the poor and homeless. Do you have a spot in your heart for helping children, abused woman? are you musically inclined? You do have some type of mission. If I can help in anyway please write to me.

Those Meant For Path 1

Although your calling doesn’t involve working full-time for the Lord you still have a very important mission. We all have a ministry to build up our brothers and sisters in Christ and help unbelievers find Jesus. We all have a calling to help others in there financial, physical, mental and spritual distress. We are all called to love one another and be peacemakers. We are all called to help people in need for the Glory of God the Father and his son Jesus Christ. Like I said one path isn’t better then the other, they both lead to the same end. Eternity in Heaven with our lord Jesus and in the presence of God the Father. God won’t love you any more or less if you called to work full-time for him or meant to continue in your current profession. God loves his children so much and whatever you are called to accomplish I pray that your life is full of peace and happiness in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Can I help you in anyway?

If I can help you in anyway please reach out to me in this form. I would be honored to help you with any questions or advice if you feel lost or stuck. Much love from God the father and our Lord Jesus Christ. 

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