Thursday, September 19, 2024
Home » Where to Begin

Where to Begin

by Gods_Servant

Begin Reading Your Bible!

First off Congratulations on becoming a child of God and accepting Jesus as your lord and savior, welcoming the holy spirt into your heart and becoming part of the family of Christ. Now what do you do? In my opinion the most important thing is opening up you bible and read beginning in the new testament. Start in the Beginning and read the chapters in order.  Matthew is the first book in the New Test and the easiest reads imo. Matthew explains the Gospel of Jesus the Christ, the crucifixion and Jesus rising from the dead. Then head over to the Old Test. You will find psalms and proverbs great reads too! Along with every book in the Old Test. Different books will speak differently to you, the holy spirit that you received will help guide and teach you. 

Start Praying To God

Your Prayer life is so important in your walk as a child of god, its how we communicate with our lord and savior. Prayers don’t have to be flashy or religious, just be real with Jesus, talk to the lord about how you feel, what your experiencing, what you need, talk to Jesus as you would the best friend, because he is! Jesus already knows whats going on inside but he wants to hear it from your mouth, so you might as well be completely real with Jesus. Our Lord that walked in the flesh knows what its like to live in a human body, to experience every type of temptation and issue this life had to offer, including death on the cross.  Jesus beat every sin that came his way, but Im trying to explain to you our lord is non judgmental or critical, don’t ever be ashamed to talk to him about anything and everything.

Choose a good church that is alive!

I believe choosing a good church is very important in order to fellowship with other believers in Christ Jesus, for motivation and growth, however it is not a necessity and your not disqualified from heaven just because you don’t attend church. Just like there is a common misconception that people believe just because they attend church they are automatically accepted into heaven, that is False. Our relationship with Jesus does not being Sunday morning and end in the afternoon after service. Your relationship is going to be an every day occurrence.  After you taste and see how good our lord is you wouldn’t want it any other way anyways. Jesus wants to be a part of every aspect of your life, include him and you will bear much fruit, happiness and peace. We take time to feed our physical body with food, lets take time to build our inner man/woman with the word of god and prayer. If you miss some time with the lord he doesn’t want you to feel funny or guilty on reproaching. Im 38, I grew up knowing god but its taken me years and years, many humblings, falling, getting back up and repeating that process x1000 until I realized the only way is his way. Save yourself tons of trouble and stop trying to do it your way, include him in your everyday life and you will save yourself tons of grief and hardship. God Loves you so much

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